Landing will require significant pilot input in order to touch down gently. When you are several feet off the ground, you will perform a “flare” that slows your ground speed as you touch down. A flare is performed by smoothly and aggressively pulling both brakes down as far as you can. It may take a few attempts to get the timing right and your landing may be faster than anticipated. However, the process and timing are easy to learn and you will be landing softly in no time. Paragliders move across the ground in no wind at about 20 Mph. If you have a headwind this speed will be decreased. If you have a tailwind this speed will increase. You want to land moving as slowly as possible, so it is important to land into the wind. You want to land on your feet to avoid injury, not on the back of your harness. If there is a vehicle, tree, object, pilot, etc in the area you intend to land, do not focus on it/them. Look to an open area and steer yourself there.

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