Chapter 6 - Weather

Understanding the weather is a big part of becoming a successful pilot. Try to access as much information on it as you can - the more you know, the better a pilot you will become. Almost every site has a local weather guru who seems to know things that other pilots don’t. Find out who that person is and spend time with them - ask questions, notice when they are setting up and deciding to fly, also notice when they don't even have their wing out and other pilots are flying. Ask why. Is there something they see that other pilots don’t? 

There are lots of places online that provide a plethora of weather information. Your instructor will give you some tips on which sites they like best, but don’t be afraid to look around and see what looks good to you. Most pilots find that a combination of several weather sites will give a better overall picture of what to expect for that day or the coming days. 

If you want to learn more about the science of weather and the atmosphere, it is highly encouraged for you look into the COMET MetEd climate science online educational database. The website is: 

There is a wealth of knowledge on the MetEd site that is available completely free of charge and broken into courses and lessons that offer valuable insight into the vast subject of understanding the atmosphere and all that goes on up there. The MetEd site was also the inspiration for creating the current educational program you are using. So, check it out!