B-Line Stall

A B-line stall is a rapid decent maneuver that works well for altitudes over a few thousand feet. By creasing the glider lengthwise using the B-risers, you can have a stable, vertical descent rate up to 1600 feet per minute (fpm). It requires some upper body strength to initiate and maintain but is not technically demanding. However, you are ‘stalling’ the paraglider so performing a B-line stall should not be taken lightly. The first step to doing a B- line stall is done in anticipation of what can go wrong. When releasing the B-line stall, it is possible that it won’t start flying again, or enter a ‘deep stall’. To correct this, the angle of attack needs to be lowered, and is best accomplished using the speed system. Thus, the first step when performing a B-line stall is to have your speed bar ready. The next step is to locate your B-risers; double check to confirm this as pulling the c-risers can full stall the glider behind you. You should firmly grip the B-risers at the metal link. Pull the B-risers down evenly until you see and feel the glider crease. It may be necessary to initiate the pull on the B-risers quickly and aggressively in order to induce the b-line stall. Once initiated, the glider will stop its forward motion causing you to briefly swing out in front of the glider. Never release the risers when the glider is behind you, as it can surge dramatically ahead of you when it begins flying again

When you reach the desired altitude, above 800 ft is recommended, quickly and evenly raise your hands while releasing the risers. The glider should dive slightly to regain airspeed, allow this to happen. If you are not certain the glider has regained normal flight, then give the speed bar a push to regain normal airflow. If you didn’t have the speed bar on your feet already, don’t reach down for it if you suspect a deep stall, or you could load one side of the glider and cause a spin. Instead, you can ‘tweak the A’s’, another way to lower the angle of attack. This requires grabbing the A risers just below the metal link with your palms forward and pinky fingers up. Rotate your pinky fingers forward to pull the A’s slightly down. The glider should begin flying immediately. 

Quick Review

Entry: Pull B-risers down quickly to chest level. 

Exit: Release B-risers quickly and wait for slight surge.

Dangers: Releasing B-risers while glider is behind you (during entry) will cause a large surge. Releasing B-risers too slowly will cause a deep stall.

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